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(#275 (permalink))
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Keaton421 (Offline)
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09-28-2008, 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
So, back to the original point, the aboriginals seem to fail, I have said why I think that is, and you have simply said I am wrong and offered no alternate explanation. Stupids.

Oh, and I am not racist when my wife is black you fuck head. Don't throw around words like that so fucking lightly or you will be as arrogant as Ronin.
I'll play ball. Why is Africa such a sh*thole failure, and why are blacks in America so poor, why is there so much gang violence, and why do they do a hugely such a big % of crime compared to the % of the country they actually are?

I've got my answers, I want to hear yours

Don't take this as a personal attack on you or your wife, a lovely couple I'm sure - it couldn't be, because I'm not racist. I want to see how you'll justify the failures of the people your wife descends from, when you're so quick to judge other people with pseudo-science

Last edited by Keaton421 : 09-28-2008 at 07:25 PM.