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(#6 (permalink))
aiyumecool559 (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 45
Join Date: Sep 2008
09-29-2008, 01:26 AM

「ASIAN STYLE」 bedroom? I have the idea, maybe, like.
Colour~ Wall soft beige colour.
Floor~ Wood or tatami
bedsheet style~ Soft colours except red. Red is good.
~soft cover sheet colour: beige
~Bedding colour beige or black
~comforter is nice embroidered or one soft red or pink or light colour
~very High or very low is O.K.
Furniture~ Dark wood
Curtain- thin
-if, layered
-mini waterfall
-slide door
-if 2nd level, tree below, grass view
-or beach style(like hotel style) water pool river with palm and and sunny and sand
-forest style with sakura and dark tree and bridge with water lily and fish
-city style(like beach hotel style) to have near light, city, school, shopping

-balcony view

But that is my idea. It is many style, but you should like room you make, so comfortable and coming home is good and nice.
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