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09-29-2008, 02:46 AM

Originally Posted by mangapunkrocker View Post
i wanted to dye my hair silver or kind of dark silver, but my stylist said no way in hell was she damaging my hair like that cuz i have dark brown hair that i'll get in fights with people claiming that it's black. So i've decided to dye it black blue...

as for the straightening thing. you should totally buy that special shampoo that makes your hair straight and use a thin straightener, if that doesn't work use glue gel that will sure straighten your hair. Hopefully.

I have one request thou how exactly do you make a mohawk? I just cut my hair japanese j-rock style and i can't seem to make a mohawk....
I asked my hair dresser that the other day actually. I have no clue as to how people do the whole mohawk thing. How long is your hair? I'd say hold your hair straight up by the tips and go crazy with hairspray and a really strong gel. Or maybe have someone else help you with it. I'm not quite sure. I'm sorry =[ Hopefully someone else in this thread knows somewhat about the work of mohawks.

My hairdresser had to strip my hair from all of the black that was in it to get it blonde. If you keep it well conditioned maybe she'll go for it one of these days or you could get an opinion from another stylist.

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