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SGTOkinawa (Offline)
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09-29-2008, 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by kaelazors View Post
i would have slapped his face off! =O
NOTE: No I’m not objectifying a woman, it is light humor, please don’t take all words for truth, I am making light of the topic is all, please don’t think I’m being mean.

Okay, I see now that the topic has gone off the track, and we are down to the level of slapping ones face.

So, believe me, I'm not an expert but feel I can lend some advice here. BUT, I DON'T KNOW kaelazors, however, I could not resist the chance to inject some "fatherly" advice at this point:

First off let’s cover the clothing topic, seeing how this is what started all this:

1. If you are a woman, ask yourself, -- Do I dress the way I do so guys / boys / men, WON'T OR DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT ME IN A SEXY WAY?

a. If you said yes, then you are in control of your dress habits and set a code relative to the daily conduct of “normal” accepted attire. You would not wear a bikini to do oil rig drilling, you wouldn’t wear ICE SKATES to mow the lawn. So its all about the level or code of dress at the time: I don’t know, maybe she works in a hair salon, or is a model, then yeah high heels are the “proper type shoes” but I don’t know that for sure, so I’ll just talk in generalizations and please no offence to anyone.

Side note: How often do you think boys / men / guys think about sex or something to do with sex.... are you ready to hear this.....?......sit down....okay? .... 200+ times a day! Yes, no lie, it was done in a study at a university here in the USA and they used university men to record their thoughts and when one would think or hint at looking or thinking of sex, to record it. On average 200+ times a day was recorded, based on a simple math of how many times an average 23 year old male attending a co-ed school thought about sex.
I bring this up, because most men’s observation of a woman is first instinct, “Is she hot?” “Would she be my type?” “Would I engage in sex with here?”

b. If you said NO, then you are within the realm (area) of the side note above, you are feeding the fire so to say and WANT GUYS TO LOOK AT YOU.

So in closing on this topic, if high heels are what make you look sexy, then he was making an attempt to “Keep you for himself” and said, you need to stop that because he is in fear of losing you and to the point he would make a comment as to “Look like a ho…” (Either whore or ho is bad) in any case, you wear those heals because you WANT guys to look at you therefore in some smalle cases, you are actually advertising your level of presence to the male. “Hey look at me I’m as close as you can get to looking like a ho….”

So, once you respond as to WHY you wear those heels, then we can talk about the WHEN and WHO you wear the heels FOR? YOU OR HIM?


Second boyfriends / girlfriends, relationships from a GUYS point of view:


Guys…. Women are like cars!

Some are fast high tech, newest technology, some are slow, some are all polished up and look really shiny and sparkle a lot, some are rusty, some are old, some are so new, some are plain, some are really strong heavy duty 4X4 models that can take any type of terrain, some are fragile that you can’t even slam the car door without hurting it. Some are just right, get the best gas mileage, and you know this is the one for you, you found the perfect car and will stick with it for life.

So, guys, who wants a expensive 350 Ferrari, with leather seats and polished chromed parts and big fancy tire and rims? You do? Have you seen the maintenance and insurance on that car>>>?? LOL!

So guys, who wants a BIG 4X4 truck, handles all terrains, can stand out in the rain and not get cold, has room for 5 kids and a bad ass blower on top a hemi engine? Those require a lot of maintenance and when they need new parts, you have to do it all yourself because you have built such a modified 4X4 truck, no one but you knows how to fix it.>>> ? LOL!

So guys, who wants a top of the live, electric car, that gets 64 miles to the gallon, runs on both electric and gas when needed, has room for just two kids and two adults, likes to take you on vacations and is maintenance free for the most part? Those cars are great until you need to lift some heave tables and move them to your new house>>>? LOL!

So, you get the idea, women are like cars, pick one stick with it, and invest in it, put money into it, wash it, wax it, buff it, buy it some flowers from time to time, listen to it talk, see what it needs and talk about getting new brakes, and a car wash, the more you take care of your car, the longer it will last.

Girls: Guys are dumb, they can be tricked into anything, know why? Because you control the sex! :

A woman’s thoughts:

Boyfriend and girlfriend stage -All I got to do is sex 5 times a week and this guy is mine for life!

Engaged stage: - All I got to do is a few of those “crazy kinky” things he wants and I am golden for life!

Newlywed stage: - All I have to do is show him one great night of sex and I’m good for a few months! Yeah!

Married stage: - All I have to do is make him “Happy” once a week and I can’t wait for menopause to kick in, wheeee!

Old Age stage: - His thing don’t work anymore, yeah, I free!!! WTF? Who invented this Viagra crap!!! NOOOOO!!!

So, WHY do you dress the way you do>? What stage are you in, how old are you, are you marrried, divorced, why do you date some many guys, why does he date so many girls...

Wait to long and all the GOOD CARS on the LOT will be gone, for BOTH GUYS AND GALS!!



U.S. Army Retired
38 years old
Married w/2 kids
Virginia, USA

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