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SGTOkinawa (Offline)
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Wink 09-30-2008, 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by Melis View Post
whats that got to do with wearing something you like? I don’t wear heels just because ''I want guys to look at me''. I don’t need something special like heels or a sexy top to guys look at me.
I wear them because I think its feminine, and I’m very short. 1.57. So it makes me tall. Not that much, but still..

Correct me if I misunderstood you..
No you are correct, but you answered the question in your statement, you DO wear those items for Vanity and by doing so, you are wearing them to show off:

More height
More straight legs
More sexy
More - "I'm better" to both guys and gals.

Do you know why men work out and get big muscles?

Answer: To look good to other guys!

It is true, a Cambridge university team surveyed 300 body builders and with varying questions could determine that men worked out because they had a self conscious attitude that they were inferior (less attractive) to OTHER GUYS, based on the level of desired needs from a woman, (What a chic thinks is HOT) so guys get big muscles, or drive a fast car because they want to show off to other guys, in an attempt to make the “in crowd” and have a better chance of getting the best woman.

So basically the guys were working out for VANITY for both to impress GUYS and GIRLS.

So how does a woman do that>? Accessorize, shoes, purse, hair, nails, clothes, earrings, (LOL know who and why ear rings first got started? its funny, Google it.)


Just that if you come to terms and UNDERSTAND why you are dressing the way you do is for vanity for yourself and others, and the more you KNOW WHY you dress that way, you can tell any guy that says “You look like a whore” you can say “You look like a 90 lb weakling and could get your ass kicked by a girl!” Or “Man you are dumb, I dress this way so YOU (the guy) look better, it shows YOU (the guy) can GET a girl like me.”

See simple math is all.

Hey don't you know I was the guy that asked about die my hair blond, know why? I got gray hair now showing and I decided to let my hair grow out, LOL! I’m an old guy, 38 years old, ha ha ha.

SO it’s not wrong, but understand your boyfriend (original post) is asking that you NOT wear those shoes because he feels less of a man, and MIGHT LOSE YOU to another guy...

Most married guys,... (Like me) want our wives to dress sexy sexy sexy as hell in the home, but when we go out, jeans and tennis shoes baby and a nice shirt too, UNLESS WE ARE WITH THEM WHEN WE GO OUT, then go crazy, LOL!

See guys are really jealous and are afraid if our girlfriend or wife dresses sexy, we may lose them. Silly huh?

Hope that helps and I just tried to let you know, you are not any different then millions of women around the world. Be sexy wear those shoes because as a guy that does not know you,.... we LIKE to see sexy dressed women, just don't get us in trouble when our wives are around if we sneak a peak at you, LOL!



U.S. Army Retired
38 years old
Married w/2 kids
Virginia, USA

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