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(#8 (permalink))
Raisthlin (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 61
Join Date: Apr 2008
09-30-2008, 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by emmygirl121 View Post
Well I don't know that much, But inclusive means, free tours, hotels, food, airlines, basically everything accept keepsakes/tourism items.

I don't know if i will go anymore?
inclusive means all of those you mentionned but there is always some stuff not covered like transportations, meals and stuff. I looked at a lot of so called inclusive trip myself only to find out theres always some stuff not covered. Its really not a good quality/price ratio at all.

I usually dont give so straight forwarded advices, especially since we dont have all the details, but just forget about that offer. Im 99.9% sure its not worth it AT ALL since these kind of inclusive trip exist for one purpose only: profits, profits profits and more profits. And the only way there gonna make profits is by giving you less for your money. Its that simple. trust me, i used to plan all inclusive trip to Italy for my college.

Go by yourself, alone or with friends. not only will you do more but it will also be cheaper. Or you could go with 5000$ if you want to and then you could really have a lot of fun or stay longer like 2 months.


PS: forgive my spelling, my english aint perfect yet.
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