Originally Posted by MMM
Kind of like cities in Chiba, it didn't seem to have much personality besides being a suburb of Tokyo (which is a bit of a misnomer, but cause it was at least 45 minutes from Tokyo, if I remember right). It felt like pachinko parlor after pachinko parlor with not a whole lot else to do.
Again, this was years ago, but this impression has been confirmed by other foreigners and Japanese.
I`ve been there fairly recently, and yes - things have not changed. It`s sort of the place to live if you can`t afford Tokyo. So instead of being a worthwhile place on it`s own, it is just a (often crappy) place to sleep at night sort of deal. A whole area like that. Instead of being or trying to be a good place on it`s own, it sort of relies on Tokyo to make up for the fact that it lacks anything worthwhile.