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JF Ossan
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10-01-2008, 07:07 AM

Originally Posted by IwantToMoveToJapan View Post
Male 21
Language: English, Mandarin
Degree: Graduated HS dropped out of college with 60 credits
Barely know any japanese only know some words here and there from J-drama and anime

I was thinking of moving to Japan with no plan at all...

If i go there with 10,000usd will that last me a while to find a full time job that will allow me to pay rent and have some money on the side?

PS: don't really care what kind of job i get just enough pay to live in japan... is this request easily do-able?
Short answer: no.

1) no college degree

2) no one hires people with a tourist visa

3) you don't speak Japanese

4) you have no plan at all

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