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Nyororin (Offline)
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10-01-2008, 12:03 PM

I don`t think it is a matter of "how much" but more a matter of "how much TIME spent".
Someone can have a literally incredible number of manga, and have read countless volumes... But not have spent that much time out of their life on it. I don`t even dare try count how many manga (単行本, to be specific) I have in my house. I`d estimate somewhere over 1000 if I include the "retired" ones that are packed away in cases in the closet. If there is a series I think looks interesting, I usually buy the first 2 volumes as a test, then buy the rest in one bundle. There are a few artists we follow, and buy their stuff without having read any of it... And a number of series we buy everytime they come out.

However, in terms of time actually spent on manga... It`s not all that high at all. It`s certainly nowhere near the focus of my life. Just an enjoyable media.

I do get a kick out of getting my husband to act out bits. He went to a voice acting academy, and is good.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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