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QuoyaNatsume (Offline)
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10-01-2008, 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Nickel View Post
For me, I would say the first thing would be looks. Honestly, you don't want to be with someone you don't find attractive. You're lying to yourself and to that person.

Nickel's List

1. Nice Looking: Not just attractive but knows how to take care of himself.
2. Respectful: I want someone who knows who to treat a woman right.
3. Caring: He has to be affectionate. None of this 'i am an island' crap.
4. Fun: Naturally, I enjoy laughing and having fun! My boyfriend should be the same.
5. Smart: He doesn't have to be Bill Gates but having a good head on their shoulders is key!
6. Good With Kids: This is #6 because this is one trait I'll be looking for in a good husband. Hey, you never know!
7. Creative: Again, I'm a creative person so it would be a good relationship with my better half was creative. In what way, it wouldn't matter.
8. Serious: Yes, I want him to have a sense of humor but I also want him to know when to buckle down
9. Likes to Read: I love reading and I would like someone who at least shared one hobby of mine.
10. Human: No aliens!

I agree with this list. . . except that I would change #9 slightly, he also would have to like Horror! I'm big on horror. albeit books or movies

& # 10. Travelling the galaxy wouldn't be so bad?! o_O as long as the kids come out looking human, but have like that Roswell secret power thing going on (Max is hot!)

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