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mangapunkrocker (Offline)
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10-03-2008, 03:14 AM

Originally Posted by Yuna7780 View Post
Is it any good? I just read up to volume six, today, actually. I love Ryoki. I want to read HGS, but I want to wait until I read the whole thing.
very very good, but if you like ryoki i wouldn't really want you to read it cuz it has a differen't ending than the manga (don't worry i won't spoil either for you) the book is in first person, with hatsumi being the first person of course, and it recaps the story in the manga and then starts off at the end. But if you finish hot gimmick and really love it then i recommend it, cuz it's really really awesome! I loved hot gimmick it's one of my favorite books, it was also my first manga collection and first manga book.

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