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OsakaPapa (Offline)
I <3 Osaka
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10-04-2008, 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by SSJup81 View Post
It's not uncommon, though. I'm black myself, and have had some family say things like, "Don't they hate black people over there?" or "Aren't they prejudiced against black people over there?" It's mostly older relatives though. I can see why they would question it. It's worse enough blacks are considered a minority in the US, but in places like Japan, we're minorities amongst minorities, so if anything, it's a fear issue. Despite what some might say, I would still like to go someday. I've had an interest in Japan way too much for far too long (like Asia in general as a traveling destination).

If my older cousin can live in Thailand, which I admire him for, I can live in or visit Japan. Race be damned!
Agreed! You'll definitely see black people in Tokyo, I can promise you that. In other places, not so much, but hey, you might be local celebrities XP Usually people will be really curious about you if you aren't Japanese, so it can actually be fun sometimes to be non-Japanese when you're in Japan, be it black, white, or anything in between

Btw, the link to the other thread about this is:


- Studied in Tokyo for my 2007 Spring Semester. Lived in Ota-ku in the Ontakesan area. Pics can be found on my Facebook. Feel free to add me ^_^
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