19 hours in Japan - is this feasible? -
10-04-2008, 08:58 AM
On Wednesday I fly from Sydney, Australia to London, England and I specifically picked a certain flight because it connects into Narita Airport and doesn't leave until 19 hours later.
I get in around 5.30pm and have to check in to fly out at about 10am the next morning.
My current plan is to go straight to my hotel from the airport (via a 10 minute shuttle bus) to dump my stuff off and maybe get an hour's sleep.
Then back to the airport where I want to train into Tokyo, stay out the whole night and get the early trains back the next morning.
So I want to know, is this feasible? By this, I mean:
-are there enough things going on all night to keep me amused?
-I've always wanted to see Shibuya and Shinjuku so can I get there and back easily?
I'm not too sure with the trains, right now it looks like I'll take the Narita Express into Tokyo, but from there I don't know enough about the metro system to be able to know how to get to Shibuya or what ticket to get or anything.
Can anyone help me out? Maybe tell me the best way to get to and from the airport and the city, if I'll need to use the subway after the Express, what to do, ANYTHING!!!
I'm pretty desperate for knowledge!!