Thread: Alice Nine
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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10-05-2008, 02:12 AM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
Daidai *glomps back*
I'm back and I misses you <3 -cries-.
We have to talk soon x33.

Me too!! I heard the preview cause I couldn't help it!! And it's so good,exactly what was I waiting for after 'Rainbows' <33.
I think we should say 'HOLY PON' or 'HOLY SKIN' O_o.
They killed me -dies-

I've missed you too<3 T_T
We definitely do! We haven't talked on MSN in forever. >_<

I know!! It's so amazing! I love the guitar solos in the beginning thing!
EEK! I cannot wait until the full song is released! XD
Hahah Holy Skin? That makes me think of Dir en grey. But I suppose Holy Kyo is about Dir en grey.. hahah! XD
Holy Pon works! Or Holy Shou! Or Holy Tora, or Holy Nao, or Holy Saga! XD
Or perhaps, Holy alice nine.! XDD

@Miyavifan I love those Hiroto pictures.
The outdoors photoshoot could possibly be my favourite Hiroto personal photoshop.
He look so flawless. *stares*
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