Originally Posted by xxJustMexx
Yeah I don't get many learning tools for gifts such as books and my family don't have a lot of money but when I get money and get to go out I'll see if I can find a book that can teach me a few things and maybe when I get older I can start going to a class.
Well, there is such a thing called FREE. I've seen many of such "cannot afford it" posting in the forum. We have a RESOURCE thread here in Japanforum. So, this is to all learners of Japanese language.
If you can afford it, then buy yourself a good grammar book and a dictionary to begin with. Always have it by your side as, at a spur of a moment, you may want to search a word or two and this will come in handy.
If you cannot afford it, then internet is your next best choice. There are thousands of website dedicated to teaching basic lessons to beginners. All you have to do is to search for them. Believe me, they're not so hard to find.
Even at Japanforum itself, there are plenty.
So, don't wait for them to come to you or crudely speaking, to be spoon-fed (sorry for using that phrase), but go reach out to them yourself. They're free, and just as good as a physical book. Better still than a book, you can even ask questions on any doubt that you may have, just like a personal tutor of your own.
Explore them and have fun.