Thread: Bank Accounts
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(#18 (permalink))
blimp (Offline)
Posts: 270
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Tokyo
10-06-2008, 08:26 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
Yes, you can use a license or an insurance card at some banks to open an account. But neither of those options apply to someone who is just entering the country. It may take longer for your employer to get your insurance card than it does for you to get your alien registration card. As for getting a license, that's a significant step to take, and will certainly take more time and be much more expensive to get than an alien registration card.

Save yourself the travel and the trouble. Apply for your alien registration card the day after you arrive. It should be ready within ten days.
1. sangetsu, we r not all holders of a US driving license. getting a driving license took me all together, 4-5 h. unfortunately i forgot how much i paid for it. 4,000 yen perhaps. a bonus for the poster is that one of the two driving license centres in Tokyo is close to minami-sunamachi. now, if he or she (the poster) has no driving license or only has a driving license from a country without a mutual recognition agreement with japan it is indeed a wee bit more complicated.

2. the insurance card, as a regular employee u don't have to do anything.
unfortunately i don't remember how soon u get it.

3. my understanding is that u can open a bank account at any bank using either a driving license or the insurance card. pls, prove me wrong.

4. why i recommend not using an alien registration card is that some major domestic banks won't let ppl with less than 6 months in japan open up a bank account.

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