Thread: Just Japan?
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Nickel (Offline)
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Location: Atlanta
10-06-2008, 05:59 PM

I think the reason I'm so interested in Japan is because of the rich, exciting culture. I am an avid reader but I can't learn all things Japanese just from books and I would love to have that sort of learning expirence by going there.

I also love the fashion of Harajuku. It seems like my type of place and my kind of people. The idea is exciting to me and I would just love to take pictures of all the fun, fashionistas on the streets.

The food is a big thing too. I want to partake in real Japanese food, not the America version.

Lastly, I would love to visit China. My brother and his wife went there twice to adopt two sweet, adorable Chinese girls. They're my neices and I love them! When I get older, I'd like to do the same. I'd etiehr adopt from Japan or China.

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