Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
It's not what I "think". It's what is quite easily possible.
Maybe you don't understand what i've been saying.
If people on their death bed start thinking its fine, then it could easily move on from there to other things. How would anyone be able to stop it? What argument would you use against teens, gamblers, alcoholics etc who all have every reason to kill themselves because their lives sucked. You're gonna sit there and tell me that's fine?
So yes, it wouldn't make a difference in the short term to people who are dying but it would make a difference to society because once it becomes accepted, you would be an absolute hypocrite to stop anyone else from killing themselves.
Don’t worry mankind has stood the test of time and if suicide was a possible "fateful end of mankind" we'd all not be here right now, humans (thank God) have a built in desire to live, only those that chemically lose control or have that part removed from their brain (accident, gun shot wound, etc) have the capability to commit suicide, plus WHY does it even exist,...
Survival of the fittest.
Again, Helen Keller, even SHE had the desire to live, imagine the crazy world that was in her mind until she figured out how to communicate.