A couple of questions -
10-07-2008, 03:48 PM
Hi all and thanx from now for your help. I would like to ask a couple of questions.
1_ I know すみません and ごめんなさい to say sorry. But how do I say "I am sorry to hear that you are sick/lost your job...and so on" or "I am sorry for your headache/bad health/loss of money...and so on". Basically a sorry which is not an apology, but expresses one's own sympathy feelings.
2_ I was always told (and found in exercises) that to say like/dislike we use the adjectives 好き・嫌い and learnt how to make their construct (basically the liked/disliked item is the subject). Going around my dictionary I have found one verb, and out of curiosity I checked also a second one, and found out that there are also verbs for like/dislike. Since I have never seen used 好く・嫌う, I was wondering if they are not used (I don't know, maybe obsolete?) or they are used by Japanese speakers. And also, do they have the same construction of the adjectives or they use the item liked/disliked as object (thus using を)?