and others…..
Whoa whoa whoa, please calm down, no ONE person here is wrong, ALL of you have a part of the PIE when it comes to the negative and positive aspects of suicide, that is why I said there are MANY reasons for such an action, rather I provided the point,
“Survival of the fittest.”
Ones mental or physical state in which a person can comprehend the ramifications of suicide are in desperate need of attention and are not a typical suicide threat. Those are the ones that slit their wrists get sown up and then show it off, okay someone said EMO, hey be nice, they used to say that about rock and roll and punk rock, as well as techno, EMO is just the new crap.
On a side note, most “victims” yes it is a mental infliction or infection of the brain caused by ones level of mental state to BREAK the bounds of sound judgment either by caused / by chemical induction i.e. drugs or self indoctrinated mitosis of the brain cells caused by a person who is in fact truly insane.
Don’t say they are weak, or pathetic, ….
But also don’t say they DON’T have a choice, even mentally handicapped people have choices to make, …
However, one has to include in BOTH relative accounts for WHY, to include the “OUTSIDE FACTOR” –
Once a person is indoctrinated into believing what they are doing is for a better cause then that cause becomes the REPLACEMENT FOR logical thinking and ah ha! What did I say needs to be removed or lost or damaged, “Logical Thinking” -- This leads to some examples YOU ALL have not addressed when it comes to suicide.
Suicide bombers –
(Google it, you get the idea)
Women throwing themselves off a cliff in Okinawa Japan during WW2 –
because the Japanese soldiers told the Okinawan women that if an American Soldiers (man) captured you, they would eat you alive and throw your babies about like play toys.
Kamikaze pilots –
Crazy? No
Dumb? Heck no!
Angry? Not really
So why, because the chemical reaction that is built into the human brain to fight or flight is SHUT OFF or OVERRIDDEN by a devotion to an idea.
So, I think you guys get the idea, hope that helps, now lets stop all this sad talk and lets post funny pictures!!