Originally Posted by allie2590
It's fine that you have opinion, but at least explain yourself in a way that you aren't offending people.
ok...if ive offended anyone...especially those with suicideal thoughts...allow me to explain......in clearer language.
1. people with mental disorders..need help...and more often than not in all major western nations....get it
2. people that feel suicidal...HAVE closed thier mind to realising sollutions to thier problems...i say it is weak because if you stop fighting...if you stop looking for answers...then you are giving up.
3. i fully stand by the statement word for word that
"suicide is THE most SELFISH thing you can do"
people that kill them selves are always in a frame of mind that is me, me, me me, me
I cant go on, I cant take any more of this stress, I dont know what to do....I want to kill myself
what i find funny is:....that all these suicidal angsty teenagers are always living in such NICE countries....
people with REAL hardship do not commit suicide....because keeping it together or staying alive on a day by day basis takes so much effort....
its only the people who have the ability to sit around and wallow in thier own depression that kill themselves...
people in Africa...Live in mud huts...have to walk miles for dirty drinking water.... most children DIE before the age of 5...if you have a daughter...and she lives...there is dealing with the fact that she will probably get raped by the time she is 14....
yet these people DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE....yet they have alot harder lives...
but some 15yr old in some plush western country...with a belly full of food...a warm roof over her head...internet...mobile...trendy clothes... etc.....
has a life SO hard she can only think to top herself?
with NO regard to what that will do to her mother or father or siblings?
someone mentioned that they had a friend who topped themselves...
let me ask you....if she was still alive....and that friend did something to you that made you THAT SAD...that effected you SO deeply that everytime you think of that action...it breaks your heart....would you still be that persons friend???
no you wouldnt...
and would your friend do that to you on purpose...no...
simply they did not think about you....they only think about them selves....
there are HOT sunny countries in this world where you can live FOR FREE!!!!
never having to worry about food, shelter, or the direction your life is taking.....
there is NEVER AN EXCUSE....
especially if you have a belly full of food...
IVE seen and experienced hardship...and i know that i am stronger than most....but that does not mean that those that kill themselves are not weaker.
no offence is meant....
im sure that if you tried to commit suicide..or have a friend that has...this may offend you....sorry...please dont kill yourself...
by the way...this thread reminds me of a japanese joke.
what does a japanese mugger say to you?
Give me your wallet or ill kill myself :P