10-07-2008, 08:19 PM
…. to misguide the topic, suicide bombers and kamikaze are in a whole another topic.
But to explain why… (sorry but trust me they are not lumped into the general suicidal tenancies as stated in the original post)
OP was -- “My life is Shit” and yes, MMM is right that is inherently a western culture type of statement, MMM is right, Alpha Duck is off a bit, but I see how he is trying to connect the two and sorry duck, they are very slightly related, … it was my bad attempt at using a well know forum of suicide to explain that suicide is not weak.
Brainwashed persons are just that, people, they are NOT soldiers, solders are not brainwashed, and they are trained, big difference.
When military trains them in a “vacuum” like environment, it is not brainwashing, that pilot could turn the plane if he wanted too, … , the term suicide is not even remotely close to explaining that era of mankind and today’s bombers.
Sorry I even brought it up… however, I related that because it was an easy example of how Suicide is BUILT INTO the human DNA. That is all. WE CAN TAP THAT TYPE OF CHEMICAL UNBALANCE EITHER BY DRUGS, TRAINING, OR YES< BRAIN WASHING, BUT KAMIKAZE ARE NOT BRAIN WASHED.
Again it was not intent of my post to get all the way out here in left field.
Suicide exists because we are an advance form of life that has "conscious state of being" and can choose to commit suicide if we choose to.
People that are suicidal are and always have been in some form or another in a chemical imbalance, (Google it) there are many reasons, see my first post.
Anyone who "feels” suicidal is in the early stages of self “down time". From time to time is a normal part of life. But when sadness takes hold and won't go away, it may be depression. Some of you are talking about depression.
More than just the temporary "blues," is the first step to suicidal tries and the lows of depression make it tough to function and enjoy life like you once did. A person with severe depression has little or no interest in work or hobbies, and may even have trouble getting out of bed. With treatment and help, you can feel better. Learning how to understand depression – including its signs, symptoms, and causes – is the first step to overcoming the problem.
I hope we all learn something, no one here is qualified to judge, explain, or prove anything, we can only give examples and post links, no one is right, or wrong, the only true fact is…
check my first post:
Suicide is a possible choice for some humans due to chemical imbalanced in the brain as described in medical journals. If you know someone that is moving beyond the levels of clinical depression, seek help, don’t guess at it or try to “help” having one more person “bugging them” or trying to relate is only going to make things worse, some people ultimately require chemical intervention, a vacation or a change of life and diet to help them out.
Best to make sure we don’t leave any “what if’s” in this thread should one of our younger folks get a hold of this thread.
God Bless,
U.S. Army Retired
38 years old
Married w/2 kids
Virginia, USA
