10-07-2008, 08:38 PM
1: Do kids have the right to commit suicide for such problems when we have people being raped, abused, dieing of starvation, or have some sort of lethal disease who still strive to survive? It's not a "right" it happens. You can't really lay down a law to tell a "kid" what to do. most of the time. Kids who commit suicide. Their parents really don't pay too much attention. And if any attention is given it's not much. Otherwise a parent who does pay attention would notice these problems.
Oh, it pisses me off when a parent goes on the news and claim that they did give all their love and attention to that child, after that child has killed themselves.
how we, as adults behave towards our kids are major factors.
2: Do adults really have the right to be depressed for long periods of time or (even at all) over such problems, when we have people being raped, abused, dieing of starvation, or have some sort of lethal disease who still strive to survive? again it's not a "right" there's no way anybody can say that they don't feel depressed that someone they cared for died, or they're about to loose their home, because of how our economy right now.
I say think positively and you'll pull through.
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