10-07-2008, 10:55 PM
I believe kids are more confused about what they are sad about. To say your life is shit at a young age, of course is possible in certain situations (like if your parents died etc.) but most of the time kids are in fact, as salvanas has said, being "brats". Even older people have this problem but I think it's more understandable for an older person to be depressed because they take on more responsibilities and take more pressure then younger people.
Anyways getting back on topic, is it right to commit suidcide? I guess that really depends on a person's set views. I personally think suidcide isn't the best choice, I think its a "easy way of getting out of your problems." People in have it waaaaaaaaaaay harder in certain parts of the world and you don't see them killing themselves. But to say that someone doesn't have the right, is also wrong. I think people have the right to end their lifes, because it's their own personal choice, I just don't think it's a right choice. Deal with your problems, killing yourself isn't the answer. Also, people dealing with depression should seek help.