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10-08-2008, 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by Uriko View Post
you have to keep in mind though that, sometimes, it's not their choice either.

like i said in a previous post, depression can be genetic & stuff.

sometimes, they don't even know their depressed.

it's entirely situational.

people who are depressed 'cause they think it's "cool" or because they're "brats" & they take for granted what they have? ugh.

irregardless of how or why though, i do think that people should try, at least once, to help those who are depressed. it's up to them (those who are depressive) to choose whether they want to accept or reject your offer.
Your right, forgot about that. I'm thinking of going into psychology (though it's a pretty hard major '<<) just because it's interesting to see how the mind works. I've seen people who act emo, because they think it's in style (saw that a lot in high school -.-') and I want to hit them upside their head. It's so stupid.

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