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(#99 (permalink))
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Uriko (Offline)
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10-08-2008, 01:03 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
The occurrence isn`t the issue. It`s the glamorization of it, to an extent. In Japan, it`s considered normal for parents and kids to not always agree... But in the US, it seems like it`s considered normal for teenagers to be downright crazy and to be beyond any sort of comprehension by adults. Japan doesn`t share that view.
in regards to your previous post, it just seemed that you were implying that angst was more common in the US because kids whine & say they commit suicide, whilst in Japan it's less common because kids don't express it the same way. all i'm saying is that there could be tons of kids in Japan who are angsty & they express is differently.

maybe they don't commit suicide & whine. maybe they just drop out of school or can't hold a job.

as for the glamorization of it, then yeah. kids are very outspoken because America is a "free country" & we all have "rights" & kids are raised with that mentality & they twist it to their spoiled rotten bidding.

But to despair was to wish back for something already lost.
Or to prolong what was already unbearable.

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