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(#3 (permalink))
Gwenster (Offline)
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Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
10-08-2008, 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
1. Both Shibuya and Ueno are great location to stay at, as long as you stay close to the Yamanote line you are fine.
Thanks, I will thus base my deceision of which hotel/area to stay at by cross-referencing a hotel in a price range I like, with the distance to the nearest station that serves the yamanote line.

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
Roppongi hill has a lot of nightlife yes, but its also a "foreigner" hang out (from my own experience), its no different from any pubs/bars/clubs district in the west or Europe, so don't expect it to be "way different"
I see, maybe that is why it is largely talked about to go to if your a foreigner.
I will check it out for I guess one part of the evening and move on.
Since I am still interested in seeing the shops and art exhbitions there.

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
2. Japan Railway's site has a schedule finder that can help you find these info, thought most of these route you outlined will be somewhere around 20-30 minutes.
Excellent ! I never figured going directly to the JR site would be so helpfull.
I figured something as native as that would surely have a website purely in unreadable (to me) Kanji :-)

The 20-30 minutes will be do-able since I plan on mostly walking instead of going public-transit crazy for every lil distance.

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
3. The JR pass is great only if you need to ride the shinkansen, otherwise i would opt out on it, as you will probably discover that a lot of places you may rather walk than taking transit
This is really helpfull, since I if I do stay in Tokyo, the JR pass wouldn`t justify the cost at all.

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
If you are into the culture and traidition, then you really should pay Kyoto a visit.
I have given this some tought, but I`m not sure on this yet.
I`ll do some more planning and research for hotels etc. budgetting to see what I can do.
I would also rather additionally go to Kyoto, after all it`s not like I can just take a train from amsterdam to Japan any day I want right

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it :-)
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