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godwine (Offline)
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10-08-2008, 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by Gwenster View Post
Thanks, I will thus base my deceision of which hotel/area to stay at by cross-referencing a hotel in a price range I like, with the distance to the nearest station that serves the yamanote line.

I see, maybe that is why it is largely talked about to go to if your a foreigner.
I will check it out for I guess one part of the evening and move on.
Since I am still interested in seeing the shops and art exhbitions there.

Excellent ! I never figured going directly to the JR site would be so helpfull.
I figured something as native as that would surely have a website purely in unreadable (to me) Kanji :-)

The 20-30 minutes will be do-able since I plan on mostly walking instead of going public-transit crazy for every lil distance.

This is really helpfull, since I if I do stay in Tokyo, the JR pass wouldn`t justify the cost at all.

I have given this some tought, but I`m not sure on this yet.
I`ll do some more planning and research for hotels etc. budgetting to see what I can do.
I would also rather additionally go to Kyoto, after all it`s not like I can just take a train from amsterdam to Japan any day I want right

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it :-)
Another thing you can do concerning kyoto is to go with a standard Shinkansen ticket, which is much cheaper, and will reduce the cost, but it could mean standing for 2-3 hours.

Do drop by Yokohama, I personally find it more interesting than Tokyo
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