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ThirdSight (Offline)
Bane of Stupidity
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10-08-2008, 03:26 PM

The synopsis you've posted is so vague I literally have no idea what it's about, save for a chick going to high school. Anyhoo, let's see:

Can I have any ideas, before I post the story?
Ideas about what? If you're looking for people to literally put an idea out there for you to take, you have an incredibly warped view of how the creative process works. True enough, writers are the best theives, but that's just rediculous. Be more specific, and I can help you out with this.

What place should she go to?
Once again, I don't know what you mean. Isn't she going to high school?

I'm adding fantasy into this, I'm thinking about vampires and that good enough?
Good enough for what? For a sci-fi novel; no. For a book that sounds like the Twilight series with a bit of World of Warcraft; yes.

Does what I have so far has enough body to actually start a series?
I highly doubt it.

It sounds like you have a good idea in your head, but that's it. There's a lot more (a hell of a lot more) to writing a story than just getting an idea and begin scratching at your keyboard. And, once again, if you have any questions about it, drop me a line; I'd be happy to help.


How in the world do people reach 1,000+ posts?

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