Great, just my luck.
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: London
10-08-2008, 07:32 PM
Firstly: I agree with Thirdsight, you need to tell us more.
Now for your questions;
1: What place should she go to?
- What do you mean?
2: im adding fantasy into this, im thinking about vampires and warlocks...is this good enough?
If you are going to add fantasy, stay away from vampires. Try and broaden your mind abit more than vampires. If you're writing fantasy, you have your whole IMAGINATION to work with. Why pigeon hole yourself into cliche things?
3:does what i have so far have enough body to actually start a series?
By the looks of it, no. Writing a book is more than an 'idea'. That is the starting point. Think of it this way. A book is like a cake.
The idea is like thinking "What type of cake" it is.
The plan is the recipe.
The words are the ingredients.
Your mind is the mixing bowl.
Your style is the oven.
You can't simply "get an idea" and then hope it'll become a series. And don't STRIVE to make it into a series, take your time with it. Other wise it'll fall down all around your ears.
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -