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Altaru (Offline)
I want my Insanity back!
Posts: 156
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: I don't know, but it's dark and I hear voices...
10-09-2008, 02:00 AM

Actually, P4 is in the same world about 2 years after the events of P3.

This is known because Chihiro makes an appearence as a senior now.

Also, Igor's new assistant, Elizabeths sister, is taking over while Elizabeth is off "saving a boy from a wall," if I remember correctly.

For rabid fans of the series (such as myself) the meaning of this is clear. She's saving the main character of P3 from the wall that holds back Nyx and that other, greater shadow.

However, I'm wondering about the implications of this, as it's the MC of P3's spirit that basically IS the wall... Maybe this will come up in P5, since the series is almost guarunteed to have a fifth (technically sixth...) installment.

Atlus wouldn't possibly leave their fans wanting, would they?

Squad 11 - Sanity isn't our style.

Emilie Autumn, in the middle. She's amazing. That is all.

"We're all puppets. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings."
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