Thread: psp - ps3
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Tyrien (Offline)
I'm e-vincible.
Posts: 707
Join Date: Jan 2008
10-09-2008, 03:43 PM


If you have a PSP-2000 (slip released last year) or a soon to be released PSP-3000 you can play PSP games on a TV using the TV-out feature found in the settings. You will only be able to play games using the PSP component cables (Red/Green/Blue/Red/White, retails for about $20) because PSP games use progressive scan and even though there are composite cables for the PSP (Red/White/Yellow retails for around $20 still good for movies on your PSP) they can only handle an interlaced video feed, progressive uses too high of a bandwidth.

You can also register a PSP with your PS3 and use remote play features. With remote play (providing you have it configured properly) you can turn your PS3 on anywhere in the world as long as both your PS3 has it set up to allow remote start, is connected to the internet, and your PSP is connected to the internet. When you have remote play activated you can access any of the content on your PS3, movies, music, images, and even some games (you can't use all games for obvious control-conflict issues). This creates a few neat things you can do that you can figure out on your own. One being you can actually set up to spy on the room your have the PS3 in (providing your have a PSEye and have gotten one of the camera games like Aquatopia) by using the camera.

As of 08/11/2008 5:33 PM Eastern Standard time I now officially own:
Miyavi, Kyo, Yuusuke, Maya, Gou, Aki, Aoi, Jun, Yusa, Jui, Key, Heechul, Yesung, Riku, Kei, Jyou, Satoshi, Takeru, Sin, Teddyloid, ♀Yooh♂, Reo, Tomoya, Tatsuro, Hitsugi, Kyoharu, Takanori Nishikawa, Jay Chou, Hirokai, Die, Kaoru, Shinya, and Toshiya.
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