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enyafriend (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 176
Join Date: Mar 2007
10-10-2008, 03:36 AM

Originally Posted by Kejebra View Post
As enyafriend said: They can't stand on their own. Even though they may mean the same thing. They just simply must work in pairs. That's the way things are.

Now THAT seems like something you can't keep track on. To know when they must work in pairs and when they musn't or doesn't.
Wise men says that there are no shortcuts to success.

In short, after you have put in more than 2 years of serious studies and attained a level whereby you are able to hold a decent conversation with someone in Japanese, all these puzzle pieces will eventually falls into place.

You have to be at a certain level before you are able to understand them comfortably. If you ain't there yet, then you just ain't there yet.

Hokkaido e ikitai........
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