Thread: Alice Nine
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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10-10-2008, 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by adina View Post

I know but school is keeping me too busy -_-".
I never thought college will be so stresfull -pouts-

Me too and I want to order that Dvd but after that incident with Rock and Read I'm afraid x33.And I want it -runs in circles-
Hahaha indeed,HOLY ALICE NINE!!!

Btw you guys neglected my Shou -pouts adorably-
Pretty as always <33.And he looks .. tired and exhausted x33

Ahh yeah, me too. >_<
It's awful.
But I hope college keeps going okay for you. ^_^

What happened with you Rock and Read? O_O
I want their new album!!
Even though, it's not even out yet.. haha. XD

God, he looks so gorgeous in that photo! *__*

And I've officially decided that Tora is an amazing impersonator! XD
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