10-11-2008, 05:11 AM
I can only speak for softbank,
First of all I had to buy the phone as I could not get a 2 year contract (where you don't pay up front for the phone). I got one of the cheaper ones, which were around 17k yen. I got the "double white plan" which seemed pretty decent. Basically you pay around 1300 yen per month to get:
* Sms and mail service ( was around 350 yen/month, but I really think you need it)
* Free calls and sms to other softbank users (cept calls between like 9pm and 4 or 5 am, which cost the normal rate)
* Rate is 10,5 yen / 30sec to all other phones and handsets (in Japan ofc).
* Sms is free to softbankers, mail costs a little (depending on size&content) as you gotta connect to the internet.
Could also just get the regular white plan, which basically drops 900~ yen from the monthly fee and doubles the call rate.
Prices will differ if you can get the two year plan I'm sure.
I heard from a friend who got AU that they could get their two year plan, and then cancel after a year (so they did not have to pay for the phone up front), the cancellation fee is something around 10k yen though.