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Housetek (Offline)
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10-13-2008, 01:07 AM

Velfarre is fun, but some times they want guys to be more properly dressed and older. they didnt let some of my 20 yr old friends in one time cuz they wanted guys to be like 23+

better be ready to drop some cash if you wana go there

Club citta is cool, they had Dancers delight there which was cool

Gaspanic is less costly also cool, tends to be overcrowded with a lot of youngins =P

I like the LEX, its now called the NEW lex originally it was a club mainly for celebs and models and costed alot for males to get in..

cost is about the same but still decent place have some friends that work there.

Vanilla is also a nice club.

like i've said in other posts. best thing to do is just go down the main strip and club hop and see which one you like. theres TONS around
esp in Roppongi and Shibs

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