10-13-2008, 03:44 AM
You can call me one of those (nearly) hopeless romantics.
I've started liking girls and getting past that cooties crap at...like...second grade...At seventh grade it developed into major crushes, and for freshman year in high school, the love thing started.
I was never good at telling girls how I felt, and once I got to high school, I got hurt BADLY twice in my freshman year. I fall in love too easily and the girls weren't too into me. For one I was too shy and the other I was too aggressive.
I only wanted to find that special someone. I just didn't know how to do it, and I still don't now. I just be myself.
I almost gave up on love, because every time I ever got a major crush, it only ended in heartbreak and depression.
But now, I have a pretty good chance with things...Found a girl I really like, I can tell she likes me, we have a lot in common.