Originally Posted by ThirdSight
The hottest woman at a bar knows what she's got, and she's flaunting it so much that every guy in the place wants her; she knows all that, so any guy that makes an obvious attempt at it will, more than likely, get shot down
actually you would be suprised....
having gone out with some hypothetical-15/10 women...
the most amazing thing i found is that they actually find it REALLY hard to get blokes...
i first learnt this from what i can only describe as a walking, talking, barbie doll (with two degrees)....
going on dates with her overinflated my EGO SO much it hurt...
you wern't just out with the fittest girl in the bar...but EASILY the fittest woman within a 5 mile radius...and in London that is saying something...
but she found it REALLY hard to get guy's...
next time your in a pub/bar...and you see that UBER fit woman....keep a subtle eye on her...and see how many guy's actually go to chat her up.....probably none...until they get FAAAR to drunk that is...and then come across as idiots...
i tend to hang around with "the beautifull people"....and you would be suprised....pretty girls like REALLY stunning girls...get hit on less than there "girl next door" but dolled up nice counterparts
its a funny world
so next time you see one...dont wait for dutch courage...just go...say "hi"
and be yourself
happy hunting
edit: funny but true.....i'm not a "fashionable" guy...as long as i'm not scoring minus points...im happy with a flat 0 on style....and we went to all of these fancy bars and stuff....and being the worst dressed guy...with the fittest woman...is quite funny....the looks you get from these pre-maddona...perfume wearing, cashmire sweater toting, hoity-toity wannabee's...is very funny....