Originally Posted by TokyoRain
At what age can you comprehend emotions? If its when you're older then you wouldn't seen thousands of marriages a year go down the drain...at least that's how I view it. (Sorry, I just got done debating still in that frame of mind.)
Well, that is how you know you're an immature little wise cracker. You cannot understand a relationship of an adult, the basic laws are the same. One cheats or one does not feel like being with one etc.
Being an adult is a completely different story.
You are pampered at your age your path is set before you, you are taught to study and have the luxury to explore your emotions and find out what makes a human tick.
Adults have to look after themselves, settle down, find a person they can relate to and build a family. People divorce because they have financial or emotional problems not because their girlfriends dumped them. As an adult if a girl dumps you you pretty much need to fix up and find out what's wrong because its crucial whereas at your age all you have to do is log in on myspace and update your mood.
I dislike when a little imbecile thinks they know what love is just because they are feeling a surge of emotions that is alien to them.
Apologies for the attack like speech, not really attacking you, just generalising most of it.