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TokyoRain (Offline)
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10-13-2008, 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by Bureda View Post
Anyway, I don't need to know your families tragic past!
As long as you learn your erroneous ways its all good.

Somebody does not get to know someone over 'two weeks' or '6 months' or '8 years'.

I know a guy who had his girlfriend since he was 13, and they split up 13 years later over minor choices.

What I am saying is you will never get a grasp of a relationship and stressing yourself out over one at such a young age is piss pointless.
Yeah I know, just get to know someone better (whether that's a good or a bad thing lol) over a time period lol.

"If I could follow my heart again it would be yours
with every breath I would find a way to love you more"
~With You by Josh Groban

"With you I have everything I have ever wanted. Simple and true. With loving eyes so beautiful." ~ With You by Josh Groban
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