10-13-2008, 09:25 PM
Moogle! I love moogles!
I agree with everyone who says Tonberrys are a bitch to fight, cuz they are! I've never been able to beat a Tonberry in VII, an d the only way I can kill the Mega Tonberrys in X-2 are with a Gunner in Critical with Cat Nip.
Chocobos are cute too, their 'ChocoMetor' is a bitch when you get hit with it though. Whenever I see them about to summon a spell I heal everyone.
I miss Moombas BIG TIME! Other than the Mascot costume in X-2, I don't remember them being around in any other games except for VIII, they are definitly the cutest in VIII. "Laguna!"
Cactuars are cute but are a bitch to fight, especilly the Jumbo in VIII, he always runs before I can kill him -.-.