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JF Ossan
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10-14-2008, 03:26 AM

Originally Posted by DSX View Post
The fact that society takes more importance in a piece of paper rather than actual work skills irritates me.

Eventually there's gonna have to be a reform on that. Paper can say only so much, and sometimes the diploma just might be faked. Phony. So what if you came upon the decision of hiring a guy with a grand college diploma.

More on that, he has very little skill in the medical field. Then, you have a guy who's really studied up on his med training and all that, but hasn't gone to college.

Based on what you've said, the guy with the diploma will be hired, and the guy with actual skill will be rejected. That's risking people's lives.

All of this diploma and college crap is overrated. WAY overrated. I think it's more important to actually test people on what they can do, not just give them the job based on what a diploma says.

I'm not flaming. Just venting on how everyone emphasizes on college and diplomas too much instead of actually going for people with skills. I'm not saying that all people with diplomas are faking it, having no skills: some do, but not all, I know.
For someone with writer's block you seem to have been pretty busy today.

The importance is not the piece of paper, but what the paper represents. I have never had to show my diploma when applying for a job, but it isn't uncommon for employers to contact Universities to confirm graduation. It isn't likely a faker would make it through.

That being said, I understand your point. Just like graduating from college, graduating from high school is a rite of passage that opens doors for your future.

It's like saying "having a driver's license is over-rated." No one is making you do it, I am just saying your opportunities increase 10-fold, 100-fold, 1000-fold if you have it.

You don't have to like my first post, but it is the truth. If you want to live and work in Japan, the easiest door-opener is going to be a college degree. I wouldn't expect a reform on this any time soon.
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