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(#219 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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10-14-2008, 03:49 AM

Originally Posted by DSX View Post
This is what I usually do when I'm have writer's block. I just surf the net and talk to people. Listen to music.

But still, this is bull. What if you're homeschooled or something? What if you just learn more at home or some other place outside of school? What then?

There's some things society needs to change for, mainly this "Oh, you've gone to Harvard. Welcome to the business" crap. What if somebody cheats all through college and it isn't noticed?

I can probably keep going on with this all day.
Homeschooled people go to college all the time.

I am going to take a wild guess and assume you have never been enrolled in college. No one "cheats all through and isn't noticed". You have to major in something and focus on something. There is no way to cheat your way to least no way that is easier than actually just studying.

Graduating college proves you can accomplish something. Yes, graduating from Harvard opens up many doors. But the reason is graduating from Harvard is pretty hard. It is silly to think you could cheat your way through college then last more than a month in a real job.
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