Originally Posted by godwine
Yup, its more of an art than anything else. However, I do need to correct one perspective, most kendo school, still teach empty hand techniques, its limited, and its mostly applicable to "If i am disarmed, how do i charge in to disarm my opponent or take their weapon", so they do train SOME level of empty hand combats, but its very very limited
This is very incorrect. In legitimate kendo, techniques like that are not taught and also never allowed. However, the police dojos in Japan, as I understand it, do practice pre-war kendo techniques that involve such things as footsweeps, and take downs. But, for us regular people, it is not allowed to learn such techniques. They are forbidden.
The object is not to disarm your opponent. Disarming is a higher dan level thing anyway, and not used all that much as far as I'm aware. It's not exactly a polite thing to do, especially if you are lower ranked. Taking someone's shinai would result in a penalty and is beyond rude and also not allowed in kendo.
There are rules for what to do when you are disarmed. I know you cannot disarm your opponent if you are disarmed. I can't decently comment further on what should happen, since I haven't the rules near me. There are also specific rules about what you can/cannot do when your opponent is disarmed.
Now, in kenjutsu, they do have an empty handed curriculum in addition to sword work(which does not include sparring in legitimate dojo.)
Some ryu(style) that have this are the Suio Ryu, Yagyu Shinkage Ryu and Kashima Shin Ryu. You can visit Koryu.com for very detailed information on the Koryu sword arts. There are a lot of good articles there written by qualified sensei who really know their stuff. Another great place to do research and ask questions is at e-budo.com in the sword arts forum. Many knowledgable sensei are on that forum.
You should join a Goju or Shoto ryu Karate school, both of them are the main Okinawa style, much closer to Kobudo than any other style Karate, weapons is in their curriculum, definitely Kenjitsu
Kenjutsu(No "i" in this word.) is not traditionally a part of the karate or Okinawan art curriculum. Ever see that silly twirly stuff on TV or at competitions the American karate people think is kenjutsu? It's not. Don't even think it's even related to the traditional Koryu(old school, pre-Meiji, anything created before 1876.) swordarts.
The Okinawans were not allowed to own katana. So, that's why kama were used along with other farm related objects that became okinawan wespons. Karate came from Okinawa.