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Hatredcopter (Offline)
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10-17-2008, 04:43 AM

Originally Posted by Japan4Evr314 View Post
its just japan suits my life better
Two questions:

1. How does Japan suit your life better?

2. How do you know whatever you said in response to question 1 will actually suit your life better if you've never been to Japan?

I'm living in Japan right now - my daily life is not at all different from my daily life back in the US, aside from the fact that I speak Japanese instead of English and I eat different food. I still get up every morning, shower, drive to work, go to the bar, eat dinner and go to sleep - being in Japan doesn't change things that much. There are of course cultural differences, but once you've lived here for longer than a couple months, you become used to the cultural differences and they become not as "special" as they used to be.

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