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james1254 (Offline)
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10-17-2008, 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by knightlight View Post

OK, I'm lost, i'm lost. I've been learning japanese on and off on my own for 6 or so years now i guess. i've never really leanred via officla lessons? just by hearing things over nad over and learning specifically the grammar.

my problem is, i think...i know so much japanese in such a varied way i'm not really sure where to go from here. i can't just learn on my own anymore, it's like i need to get given some exersises or lessons in order to learn certain things =)

here's what i know-

I know japanese only on a conversational level, i'm quite bored of all the overly polite things,

I know verbs quite well, and i can understand the structure of verbs,

I know quite a few adjectives and descrbing words,

what i DON'T know is, objects and such!! I mean i know a fair bit but not enough at all!! i kept focused so much on verbs for so many years, i don't auctllay know any acutal objects =O;;

I WANT to know more complex things aobut verbs!! like more stuff simmilar to 'nikui/yosui' 'nakeraba' ect. - and i need to know more conjunctives and things like this!

sorry to be a pain and be so detailed >_o but i feel like i'm stuck in between begginers and advance- like I'm not at a levle where i cna learn the same old phrases and stuff anymore, but i rlelaydon't know enough to listen and learn from an advanced japanese lesson.

does anyone have any ideas or any where i can go on the internet ? umm, could i learn from a penpal or something?

thankyou for your help!! =)
so you know lots of verbs but not many nouns, adverbs, adjectives etc......?

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