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(#120 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
10-18-2008, 04:48 AM

I only know about the companies I have worked with, but when you have a market of paying customers and a market of non-paying customers, the priority has to go to the paying customers. Manga is a niche market. The expensive part is getting it into English. Printing isn't that expensive. And if people will pay 8 to 25 dollars for that printed work, then you have some success, but even successful manga don't sell millions...more in the 10s of thousands. Naruto and Bleach are the Titanic and Star Wars of manga. Most other titles find limited success or don't, and are dropped.

emanga is trying a format like you describe, but I have to question the success they are going to find. It is hard to navigate manga online and get the ease of reading with the same detail.

If manga publisher executives were all riding around in limos lighting their cigars with 100 dollar bills, then I would say "Yeah, give back to the community" but they aren't, trust me. What they do sometimes do, though, is give to libraries...

You said "A lot of companies are doing this and they should act on it instead of sticking with the old fashion way. times have changed as with technology."

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