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(#121 (permalink))
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RegPaq (Offline)
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Posts: 68
Join Date: Jun 2008
10-18-2008, 05:19 AM

I think your underestimating the benefits of advertising. you say 10s to 100s of thousands of prints are sold of a certain manga. How many people do you think just look at it online for free. Imagine getting a revenue for all those other people. Yes we agreed print sales would go down, but the advertising sales would not only cover that loss but also exceed it and the publishers would receive more growth which would equal in more publishers producing manga. It would actually be a good business venture if someone made a site where all the publishers would get together and submit their work in hq scans in different languages where they would receive some of the profit from the advertisements, or do it themselves. This is all I'm saying. Using both print and web form would benefit the business as a whole. I already gave you examples of companies offering free, quality, useable content free by revenue from advertisements.
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