Thread: Japan vs Korea
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jasonbvr (Offline)
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10-19-2008, 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by xYinniex View Post
I've only ever been to Korea, I havent visited Japan yet, But Korea isn't big on learning english, learning chinese-yes.

Foodwise, the soups are very similar, But apart from that Koreans tend to pickle food and eat less meat.
I am afraid these statements are kind of false.

First both countries have compulsory English language programs starting from elementary school. Now if you compare average TOEFL scores, South Korea outranks Japan despite having fewer English learners. That would lead me that the ROK is a bit more serious about their English studies. On the Chinese language I would say there are more Korean students interested in learning it than Japanese students simply based on the number of students from the respective countries I encountered in Beijing.

On the food aspect, the differences I feel would be that Koreans tend to eat spicier food and more meat than Japan. Take for example each countries more traditional cooking, Japanese food centers more around seafood than anything else versus Korean food that has popularized their style of barbecue throughout East Asia. On the pickled food aspect I would wager that they are equals. However Korea leans more towards the spicier side whereas Japanese pickled food has a more vinegary taste.

edit~ I would though say that Korea has a stronger Buddhist tradition than Japan meaning more vegetarian fare so in that sense you could be right.

Also I would like to know how different their rice is. Japanese people allege that Chinese rice is smelly and not as "mochi" (chewy) as their own, but no one ever mentions Korean rice.

Last edited by jasonbvr : 10-19-2008 at 11:31 AM.
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