Thread: Jobs in Japan
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jasonbvr (Offline)
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Location: Japan
10-19-2008, 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by Heru View Post
What types of jobs are available to foreigners mostly? I saw Teacher, Financial, and IT.

With financial jobs are financial analyst or investment bankers in need in Japan so much that a foreigner could fill the spot?

I'm just wondering what type of business job opportunities there are there. Either way I plan on a MBA and starting with teacher as foot in the door.
Finish your undergrad with a 4.0, do the JET program for a year, pass the JLPT 1 and then get your MBA, I would say you would be a complete douche if you couldn't net more than 100k USD living in Japan by 30 with that formula.

What type of business jobs specifically, browse However know that the types of jobs that people with MBA get don't exactly post help wanted ads. A lot of people are picked up by recruiters.

My best advice, don't get too far ahead of yourself. Dreams are nice, but you need to focus on what is right in front of you now to succeed.
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